...and so it begins
hiya. my name is michael cochran and i am currently studying in los angeles, california at the school of architecture of the university of southern california (fight on trojans!). over the past couple years i have received requests from family, friends, and employers to keep em updated and let em see the kind of stuff i've been working on. unfortunately, with all the larger files that i typically work with it is pretty difficult to send enough information to really do my work the justice i feel it deserves (soooo much justice). so... it seemed much easier (and so much more hip!) to create a blog/website that i could share with the whole wide world, including you! so with that said, this site will serve as just a way for me to show some of the stuff i've been working on through lots of pictures, a little bit of text and hopefully some witty remarks here and there. hope you guys enjoy and feedback is always welcome! thanks for checkin out my stuff! peace.